Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Death of American Liberty

In the United States, the Republicans sit and call the Democrats cowards and weak for not fighting terrorists through all capable means...i.e war on Iraq and the recinding of civil liberties.The war on Iraq, though not initially necessary and initiated under false pretenses, is now necessary. While Saddam Hussain was a brutal tyrant, he kept a balance of power in the Middle East. Now since that regime is gone, without the American troops in Iraq, the Middle East would implode into chaos as Iran would swallow up support in Iraq and gain even more of its already dominant influence in the region.

As for the civil liberties issue, whatever happened to "give me liberty or give me death" or "those who would sacrifice an essential liberty for temporary freedom deserve niether and lose both"? The inspirational, perhaps slightly embellished, quotes from American history cleary demonstrate the passion that Americans once took in defending their liberty. People were once sacrificing themselves for liberty. Now some Americans are saying 'we have a right to live' and are thus willing to give up some of their most basic liberties through the Patriot Act and other ammendments. No less than from the document, the Constitution of the United States, that was put in place by the founding fathers to maintain the liberty Americans had fought and died for in the War of Independence. It's clear and unfortunate that the current path repeatedly verifies that the weakest are those who leading and forget this history.

What differenciates your country from those you condemn and 'liberate' is the very freedom that they lack. Contrary to the present American course, the best way to defeat your enemy is not to become your ememy but to continue to emphasize your country's redeeming virtues to the world in a fassion that doesen't come accross as ignorant, misguided, deceptive, condesending, or contradictive. If over 300 years in idealizing your own virtues has taught you anything, Americans, it should be that the true cowards are those whom are not willing to do anything to protect their freedom, liberty and the overall integrity of their country. The United States may be one of the next countries that needs saved from tyranny, though I think America may have to 'rescue' itself...nobody else will.

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