Friday, July 25, 2008

Country Music

Fisrt of Country Music is alright thats if its the old school stuff like Johnny Cash or Stopin Tom etc. This new shit and yes i call it shit is nothing short of rock / rap combined with a guitar twanging in the back ground with some ass hole wearing a cob boy hat. Save a horse ride a cow boy how about save the rope shoot me in the head! Not only do i find country very horrible but its even worse first thing in the morning when you go to work and thats all your boss wants to lisen to. now not all counrty is bad some travis tritt is not to bad like i said the older stuff even dating way back when to the blue grass days is better then that honky tonk bedonky donk bull shit how about you pay me 100,000 $ every time i hear that song cause it ain't worth a shit let alone 2 shits.

Back in the day counrty had sole in it. it was about the home stead and the land the sweat blood and tears not lets pretend were country just to make a hit and make some money.

Now not only is it country re-doing great rock and roll songs done by great artists but this "new age" crap/rock does shitty covers too. Johnny cash's song rig of fire who re did that i can't remember all i know is it was shit a steamming pile of horse shit.

basically what i'm am trying to say is new country sucks 99% of new rock sucks and can anyone top Eddie Veeder or The who, what about The Hip or need i say queen thats right no one can top these guys or even come close. back in the day it must have been a different breed of artists very few people now have that kind of talent.

sorry neil but i think after the 90's Rock and Roll did die!

Rock on fellow Rockers

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