Friday, January 06, 2006

The history of the Fire Dog

Back in the early years of fire when the pumpers where pulled by horses there was what we call the fire dog ( sparky). Alot of people don't know the history of the great Dalmation. well soon you will know.

In the early years of fire the pumpers were pulled by hourses. As the pumpers were being pulled to the fire alot of the towns dogs would chase the hourses and try to nipe at there heals making this job of getting to the fire even harder. Trying to find a solution they came up with haveing a dog of there own. The purpose of the dalmation was to run along the side of the horses to chace the other dogs away because of there high energy and speed this was no problem for the dog.

But there is also more to the animal then that. The fire stations dog would say in the stable with the horses bring these two animals very close togther. The dog and horses became very close companions. Keeping each other calm when it was needed most the fire servise adopted the Dalmation as the Fire dog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love finding information about historic dogs. In my researching..I have found that the original first fire dog was actually a Black and White Pitbull Terrier going back to the 1920's-30's.
I am still trying to find information about this exact dog, but all I have found is pictures of him in a L.A. F.D. buggy wearing a hat.
This mystery pitbull started the black and white trend in firedogs. Since pitbulls come in variations of colour sticking to the black and white trend is where dalmations came in.