Saturday, February 04, 2006

The Rich get Richer

So as we all know that Mr. Harper is our new goverment, some people might be wondering where in the world is canada going to go now that he is in power. WAR thats where were going to end up maybe i'm the only one that figured this out. Mr. Harper not only shakes his kids hand after he drops them off to school the man is G W. Bush right hand man I mean look at it this way Bush is going in after oil in Iraq. It jsut so happens that Alberta is a huge oil perducer so now lets put two and two togther. Fisrt Harper and bush are buddies bush needs help in his war for oil. Harper helps bush in the war Alberta gets more money.

See some of you might be like me at the point where i dont give a flying fuck about canada any more. Qubec Fuck you i don't care if you split of from us. Alberta you Rich mother fuckers half of you fucking people live in ontario with you familys but go to alberta for 2 years and work as an oil worker load up you bank acounts and then come back home you know what fuck you and your mother fucking mama.

There's no fucking way I'm going to let health care be privetised. Now hold lets jump back for a second hear. We can put a salary cap on NHL players but yet we let universites and schools charge as much as they want for school resedence i mean whats stopping a university from making a broke poor student pay one grand for one class i mean you have to get an education to go somewhere in this life right? RIGHT

So well Harper is shaking his kids hands when they go of to shcool and bush is still in Iraq for oil qubec wants to be its own country. Schools charge as much as they want and health care is going down the drain. I'm sitting on my front porch in the middle of bum fuck nowhere smoking a special smoke.

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