People do'nt understand that to be a fire fighter it is alot more then working 24 hours then 3 days off. In those 24 hours on a city fire department like Toronto you can go out on calls every 5 min. Ihave a friends on the Toronto city Fire Dept. and in one shift the got 18 calls and we don't jsut go to fires we go to car accedents, medical, hazerdous matreals, water rescue confind space rescue and the list is goes on.
To defet fire you must know it inside and out all the properties that make fire. you have oxygen, heat , chemical chain reaction ignition. not only does fire spread very rapidly the smoke inside a building kills a person before the flames ever get to them. tempuratures can exseed 1200 F.
So if you think that our job is easy try it out see how fast you get tierd and stressed out.
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